Tuesday 21 June 2022

The cascading effect of the DevOps way of working

When you are going to work in a DevOps way it all starts with removing the first silo. This means removing the wall between Dev and Ops by putting them together in a team. The consequence is that the whole team is responsible for change and run. When the whole team becomes responsible, no individual can fall back on their role, they are all committed to the cause. Dev can do Ops, test can do Dev, Ops can do test and Dev and so on. This means more collaboration in the team and less push off of work to another role. As a DevOps team you are all in it together.

Working together is only possible if it is done in a small team, and with a small team I mean no more than five engineers (I like to call all team members engineers and not by their role). I state a team of five is the best, a team of three is minimum. With five it will still be a team, with six it will become two teams of three. Six or seven is still possible but communication and therefor collaboration will become increasingly harder. 

If you have smaller teams, you also need smaller software components and with smaller components you need more interfaces. These interfaces are twofold, one is the technical one with APIs, versioning, release cycles and so on. The other is the communication interface. How do you, as a team, communicate with other teams, how are your dependencies organised? You need to think about hard and soft dependencies and come up with a plan. Hard dependencies are those that make your team wait for work from another team or individual. Soft dependencies are those that interface with another team but don't require any work from another team. One of the goals for a DevOps team is to lessen hard dependencies and turn them into soft ones. This can only be done if it is clear who your teams customers are, which is one thing the team should know and investigate.

Working in a small team means a lot of collaboration, you need to share information and to improve sharing it is wise to minimise the work in progress by introducing a WIP limit. A WIP limit is a limit on the amount of work that can be in progress. If you need to learn a lot, make it a low number, so all team members need to work on the same thing together. One of the most errors I see is that every engineer works solely on items of the backlog not sharing knowledge and information. When two engineers work on the same item, they need to communicate and explain what they are doing, teaching the other one about their ways and maybe even learn something themselves.

It can happen that an engineer can't collaborate and that the WIP limit is reached. The purpose of DevOps is not to be as efficient as possible (max. resource utilisation) but to be as effective as possible (max. customer value). This means that when an engineer isn't working on items on the backlog, they should investigate improvements, refactor or learn.

Investigating the way of working and finding new ways to work leads to better processes and automation. When a DevOps team starts automating, many quirks in the process will be found. By solving these the quality of work and the speed of work will increase. 

So what are the steps to take?

  1. Form mixed teams with the disciplines needed to convert customer requests in a usable product or service
  2. Find out all the dependencies of the team
  3. Make communication plans with other teams, technical and social
  4. Introduce WIP limit to increase learning
  5. Automate

Let's start doing DevOps!

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