Tuesday 29 June 2021

All about removing silos

Organisations are optimised in silos. This makes work efficient. Costs can be reduced by economise work done in a particular field. This has been the way of working since Taylor died. It does optimise work in factories for people working in a particular order on an assembly line. In a modern world where we build software, saving money on one silo can result in extra costs in the other. The taylorism way of working is therefor no longer rewarding. Taylor had some ideas of improving efficiency in production systems which we massively copied and still use. His idea was to improve the productivity by improving the efficiency of each process step; how would the world have looked if he had chosen effectively instead of efficiency?

What do we mean with silos? Silos are people of the same expertise put together. Put together in teams to build a small piece of the end product. Silos result in many handover moments. To reduce those moments factories implement assembly lines. Software development is a creative processes and it cannot be put into an assembly line model (no matter how hard we squeeze). How can we get rid of those silos and improve our effectiveness?

1. Product focus

Instead of focusing on process optimalisation we should focus on delivering a product that a customer is willing to buy. Our responsibility is to deliver that product with enough quality to satisfy the customer. A team should be focusing on the customer and only deliver what the customer needs.

2. Merge expertise

We merge expertise in a team, so one team is responsible for all the work done on a product. Including development, testing and maintenance. No single silo of experts remains, this is important. Of course there are experts, we just need to know where to find them. This will result in no handover and no waiting moments between teams, but it implies a lot! 
We need to know what work team members do, we need to learn, we don't have to ace it but we need an understanding how stuff works. In a DevOps team we need at least 10% time reserved to learn, just to keep up, learn and share.

3. Transparency

In order to find the right people for the job, we need to know from each other what we do. So instead of working silos, we have silos of knowledge sharing. We organise teams around products and customers, we gather to share knowledge.

4. Responsibility

With creating a team of mixed expertise around a product and its customers we are getting more responsibility. The teams makes promises, it needs to deliver, they are expected to keep up quality. Getting more responsibility means even more learning, the teams will be small companies inside the umbrella of a big one. The big one shares vision, mission and strategy. The team will follow the strategy, but gets its work from the customers. This also means that managers get less responsibility about the product, but more about developing team expertise.

5. Autonomy

All this results in autonomous teams that are capable of delivering quality and value to the customer through a product. 

By removing silos an organisation will change significantly. Work will shift and change. Teams will be in the lead to deliver customer value. DevOps has even a bigger impact on management comparing to teams. Teams know about software development, testing and operations. Management needs to learn to let go, to inspire, to share and to help removing impediments.

Do you still work in silos? What is the most difficult thing you are experiencing adopting DevOps?

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Five capabilities of a successful DevOps team

So you have gathered developers and operations and put them in a team, voila DevOps! Or not? What kind of things does a DevOps team need to know to be successful? Are they developing safe software? Let's see.


A DevOps team needs to measure everything, they are responsible for everything, so they need to know about performance. Performance of the application they are responsible for. Performance of the team to be able to improve. And performance of their delivery of value to the customer. Here are some basic metrics I think are important to measure.
  • Lead time of a change: how long did the change live before it was put into production?
  • Mean time to recover: how long do most outages take to be resolved and availability is restored
  • How predictable is the team: prognosed work / delivered work (the closer the numbers, the better).


A DevOps team owns the security aspects of the application, no one else is responsible. Things like static code analysis, OWASP Top 10, basic thread modeling and service accounts should be understood.


Testing is not the job of one person in a DevOps team. All disciplines must have a fair understanding and even an implementation of testing. Think about the testing pyramid and accompanying strategy. Think about unit testing on at least all new functionality. And least but not last; knowledge of disaster recovery or use of chaos engineering.


Being transparent as a team means to show what you do and what you didn't do. It is about communication with all the stakeholders, including the DevOps team itself and management. A visible backlog and open review sessions are key to transparency.


In order for a DevOps team to be successful and stay successful they need to learn. While the world keeps moving, a team cannot stand still. Any lack of learning will result in a form of debt. New technologies appear, team members can change, the organisation will change and dependencies change, just to name a few. DevOps teams actively need to learn and develop their skills as they do their applications.

This is just the tip of the iceberg about what a DevOps team needs to be able to do, there are many more. But on a basic level you need to understand and own the above. With an increases autonomy that comes with being a DevOps team also comes more responsibility of doing the right things right.

What are the most important capabilities for your team?

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Kano vs WSJF

How do we decide what to put on the top of the backlog? How can we prioritise one story over another? I have seen many different ways, here are a couple:

  1. low hanging fruit: pick the easiest items that can be solved fast. These are not always the most important ones and can lead to technical debt or dissatisfaction of the customer.
  2. The loudest yeller: in a group, there is one stakeholder that yells the loudest about their item, silencing the other stakeholders. This leads to a dishonest balloting of items and doesn't put the most important items first. 
  3. The managers priorities: in traditional or hybrid organisations that are adopting scrum, managers are about people and projects. This can lead to managers making priorities instead of the stakeholders or customers and thus not delivering the most important items first.
So how can we do a better job? I want to mention two: the kano-model and WSFJ.


The Kano model is an approach that prioritises stories based on customer satisfaction plotted against functionality.
  • In the left top customers is the functionality that brings excitement to our customers. If you invest in those, your customers will be delighted. Mind that not implementing these doesn't lead to customer dissatisfaction. A minimal viable product will not include these functionalities.
  • On the right bottom are the basics for the service to work. These are basic functions which are taken for granted. Customers won't be satisfied by these functions, but will become very dissatisfied if they are not implemented.
  • And on the top right are the performance functions. The more you invest in these functionalities the more the customers like it. The better the performance the happier the customer.
You can read more about the Kano model on the website of ProductPlan: https://www.productplan.com/glossary/kano-model/


WSJF is an abbreviation for Weighted Shortest Job First. I came upon it during a SAFe course. It is based on the idea that we can weigh stories on importance and work and get the most economic benefits. For WSJF we need a bit of simple math. First we need to find out what our CoD (Cost of Delay) is. So how much money will we loose when we don't implement this functionality? We plot that against the job size with the formula: WSJF = CoD / Job size.
It is easiest to make a table with all the functionalities or stories or stuff you want to make, add a column for size, CoD and weight (which is CoD / Job size). After plotting this in the table, the item with the most weight is the most important to implement.

You can read more about WSJF on the SAFe website: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/wsjf/

How do you do your estimations? Which model do you prefer and why?

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Five signs you know you are working in an agile team

Working agile is more than just a daily standup, but you knew that already. What are more distinct features of working in an agile team? Here are a few of them.

One: everybody is a developer

Everybody in the team has the same goal: getting stuff done. The distinction between your job and that of you peer is fading as you progress to developing stuff that works for your client. Everybody in the team shares the same responsibility. You do refinement together, work together in a peer setting most of the time. You share knowledge and you even take over from other disciplines in the team.

Two: you are the A-team

The team is more important than its individual members. You avoid local heroism with people that know it all. The best hero is the one that shares the way stuff is done. A hero is the one who shares most and educates the team on development principles. A hero helps all team members in getting a better performance so that all members become hero's. 

Three: reflection together

Reflection is done with the team. Together you reflect on what has been done in the review, feeling proud of what you, as a team, have achieved. You inspect what you failed to deliver and know what you need to change to do an even better job next time around. With the team you inspect how you are working and come up with things that increase your performance as a team and as an individual. You do peer reviews to inspect each other in an honest way so you learn and are able to improve. This implies no functional reviews by managers as well.

Four: dashboarding

As a team you use dashboards to make performance visible. Just like you use a dashboard in the car to read out speed, fuel and overall car performance. You have stopped sharing status in the form of reports or meetings. Reporting the old fashioned way has no added value to the customer. If anyone in the company wants to know how your team is performing they come to reviews and ask.

Five: working on products

The most important indicator of working in an agile fashion is perhaps that it is focused on products instead of projects. Your team works on a product with a distinct customer base. You and your team are solely responsible for the product and its success. A project is timebound while a product is customer bound.

What are the most important indicators for you? Please write them down in the comments.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Make it smaller

To learn faster, to deliver more value and to have a better general performance we need to make stuff smaller. Little stuff is easier to oversee than big stuff. Small problems are easier to fix than big problems. What can we make small in our work to make our work easier?

Shorter sprints

The shorter our sprints are, the more moments of inspection are available to us to learn and improve. A sprint is between two to four weeks according to the Scrum Guide. We don't need to adhere the framework here, if we can improve faster by shortening our sprint, we respect the framework as well. There are teams that run weekly sprints, and some even run shorter ones. A shorter sprint will provide more inspection moments and thus result in faster learning through more inspection and adaption moments. Because all events (except the standup) are relatively sized to the sprint, it will not consume more time.

Smaller PBIs

The smaller our product backlog items are, the faster they can be build and delivered to the customer. We get more revenue and more feedback. PBIs or stories are sometimes really big, they tend to have epic proportions. An epic PBI is one that can not be overseen or fixed in a certain amount of time. For most teams any story that takes more than three days to fix, the story should be considered an epic. So cut up the story into smaller chunks, make them independent of each other and smaller than three days. This might be hard at first, but practice makes perfect; think about the smallest possible change that might work. 

Less hierarchy

Hierarchy makes stuff complex. Hierarchy results in interdependence of PBIs, while we would like to have PBIs that we can resolve without any relation to another change (check the INVEST acronym). So an epic PBI, which is a PBI of epic proportion (and nothing more), should be made smaller. This will result in a couple of independent stories and the original epic story should end up in the trash. There is no added value in the original epic and it will only clutter the backlog with relations between stories that are useless to the outcome, because it's redundant.

There is another form of hierarchy, which we experience daily, that can decrease our performance as well. This is organisational hierarchy. The more autonomous a team is, the faster it can make decisions and learn from its mistakes. In a hierarchy people that don't do the work are made responsible for that work. Weird isn't it? Responsibility and autonomy go hand in hand. Make teams more responsible for their work in giving them the authority to make decisions about their work. Scrum solves this problem with two accountabilities: the Product Owner is made accountable for the work, the Scrum Master for the performance. 

Shorter meetings

I hear a lot of people complain about too much meetings, and too long meetings. I help them reorganise their agenda by skipping meetings that don't add value or performance. 

From a Scrum team perspective there are a couple of meetings: the daily; in which progress towards the sprint goal is shared. There  is refinement; in which stories are scrutinised with stakeholders until it is clear which work needs to be done. Each sprint there is a review, a demo and a planning session in which is talked about what is being or going to be made. And there is a retrospective in which the team introspects how it does the work. 
No other meetings are needed!

Many people find themselves in a hybrid form of Scrum with archaic roles and responsibilities in which they are obliged to attend some meetings. There are three types of meetings: informational, decision making and cake. The informational are most of the time unimportant and could be done with a memo; when you are invited think about what you are going to get out of the meeting and decline if it is not enough. It is no shame to not waste your or anyone else's time. The decision making meetings are a bit more important but again, choose to go if you think you can gain something by attending. In the meeting, steer towards decision making and go when done. A one hour meeting can mostly be shortened to half an hour by this approach. The last meeting is the cake meeting, this is the fun meeting, this is the one you should always attend!

To summarise: make everything smaller. Small work items, short meetings, less hierarchy and short sprints. This will increase performance and added value. Sometimes it needs a bit of courage when you need to make choices. But it is worth it. 

Let me know in the comments what you do to make your work smaller.