Tuesday 20 February 2018


So I use Jira a lot. It's the default application for most organisations. In the last ten plus years I have seen many variations on the workflow. One significant factor in all the flows I have seen is the wait state. Wait states are killing for progress, the production process should be moving all the time. When issues are waiting to be picked up, there is loss. Time and entropy will catch up and make the change worthless.

In the above example workflow I tried to bring my knowlegde about the workprocess to a Jira workflow. This workflow can be used by many different teams. Let me explain the thinking behind this flow.

  • New: All issues comming in recieve the New state. This state means an issue is on the backlog and de Product Owner needs to review it, when reviewed and when it fulfills the Definition of Ready the issues is transfered to Open.
  • Refine: This is an optional status, some Product Owners need extra time to refine and make sure all the information is in the issue or story. They plan extra refinement sessions with key users, stake holders and some members of the team.
  • Open: All stories with an open state are either on the backlog, they are ready to be taken into a sprint. Or they are on the sprint log, and are worked upon. When they are in the backlog the team will use it's refinement session to impact the story and places them in the sprint log, or on top of the backlog. Remember that we only need to refine 130% of our velocity.
  • In Progress: This step means there is work going on for the story; and I mean all the work, not developer bound, but also testing, verifying, peer reviewing et cetera. When work is done and complies to the Definition of Done, the story can be transfered to Done.
  • Review and Testing: Both optional states when teams need to make a distinction. They could be combined in a Verify state. These states are optional because of the following. When a developer assigns a story to another developer with the comment to review, the state doesn't need to change. After the peer review, the story needs to be tested, again assigning to a team member with the question to test should be sufficient. The story can still be in progress, just assigned to a team member with a different skillset.
  • Done: The story is done according to the DoD, and acceptance criterea defined for the story are met. It can go into production. On an full Continuous Deployment Pipeline this can be the end state.
  • Closed: story is done and in production. When problems arise, the story can be reopened.
In my humble opinion this is all we need in Jira, perhaps even a bit too much. It's working pretty well so far. Any thoughts on improving?

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Fun is mandatory

Most time in our lives we spent working. A lot of people complain about their work. What is wrong with this picture? They forgot the most important thing in live: fun. Simple, plain old fun. They get annoyed by colleagues, bosses, managers, customers and start complaining. The worst thing about that is that complaining is that it works just like a virus, it spreads, infecting all other people on the work floor. The working atmosphere will get to sub zero in no time. Some will stay at their jobs because they don't dare leaving. Some flee and find a new team to infect and some, a few ones, will try to lighten up and try to get other colleagues back on track. Don't ever count on having those in your team, if you are lucky, there is one, but that's a rare occasion.

Working without fun is demotivating. Working and having fun while doing it, works in multiple ways. First of all, people having fun will excell. Second they tend to get more work done, third they will get the most out themselves and try to accomplish the same for the team.

How can we make development more fun? Most developers can tell you the answer right away; give me some time for myself to make something cool or fix something that is bothering me. A lot of big companies have done this already in different formats: some with a couple of hours per week, a weekend once every couple of months or a day per month. My guess is that about 5% of work time should at least be dedicated to fun stuff. Using this approach I made some nice achievements with my teams from translation modules to reducing technical debt to creating AI's which solve puzzles. Not everything is always work related, but it seems to me that most developers want to fix things that annoy them or increase there knowledge, anyway it's a win for the company.

When a fun day is planned, it will affect the work planning, there is at least eight hours less time per team member to create feature increments, calculate the impact on the velocity and demo the work that has been done on the fun day.

One on one production

Developing service oriented architectures (SOA) is pretty much how we develop software nowadays. With a firm believe that delivering small increments on software every two weeks and doing some daily stand up's is a goal, they stall in the improvement kata. A kata is a japaneese way of doing something. Think about a kata in martial arts, they are practised until perfection. Work can be seen as a kata too. Besides doing daily chores over and over again, there is also a possibility to use a behaviour kata for improving. By improving behaviour all the work will be improved. What this means is that we actually don't want to use a pattern to do things the same way all the time, we need a pattern to improve all the time and with that improve the work we do.

If we would stuck on the SOA implementation we can build a huge monolith application which we can release every two weeks. But what now if we have a target condition of delivering software throughout the day, up to perhaps ten times. A monolith would be very hard to push to production ten times a day. We should learn to improve each iteration with a goal of one on one production. If we would create one on one production it would be possible to release all day, any day. By creating small standalone services we would be able to release when we want, the only thing to keep in mind here is contract nagotiation. We should define an interface and stick to it, hence we need a versioning system (may I propose semver here?), a dedicated pipeline and knowledge of who our consumers are. By doing this we create owners of the service, a PO, a team and so on who really care about their product.

Creating one on one production might stand in the way we think about flexible processes. These are processen capable of doing more than one thing. Flexibility in processes might seem like a good idea. This makes it possible to work around problems that arise during processing and this will guarantee to meet the delivery dead line. There are many variables in the production pipeline to match all the demands any product needs to be produced. This sounds very flexible and therefor like an ulitmate solution. However, working around problems obfuscates the understanding of problems. Production is met with workarounds, but how are the core problems being identified and fixed? In a flexible system this is the hard part. Dedicating production pipelines and focussing on one on one production makes it possible to continuously improve the pipeline.

So for developing software from conception to deployment we should strive to one on one production, to continuously improve the way we work and practise a lot.

Thursday 8 February 2018


While reading The Lean Mindset: Ask the Right Questions I stumbled upon The Dunbar Number (page 29 in my version of the book). Robin Dunbar studied groups of apes, it seemed that the size of the group was related to the size of the neocortex of the primates. Extrapolated to humans this gives the number of around 150 people that one individual is capable of tracking the social relationship of.

There are some common sizes of groups:

  1. An "inner circle" of about three to five very close friends or family members.
  2. A "sympathy group" of 12 to 15 close friends who care about each others faith
  3. A "hunting group" of 30 to 40 who work together to accomplish a task
  4. A "clan" of 150 people who maintain stable interpersonal relationships
  5. A "tribe" of about 500 to 2500 people who speak the same language or dialect
How should this work in a company? The inner circle are the direct teammember you work with the most, the sympathy group is your team (scrum says seven people on average per team, this would mean at least two teams here). The hunting group would be all the teams that work on the same product from conception to production (so four to six teams), this would include all disciplines necessary to run the business around the product. The clan would be a small company or department that makes three to five products. The tribe would be the company with company values, vision and mission, the tribe would be the scope of the culture of the organisation.

Now I'm wondering if this would work. What will happen if a company will outgrow the number of the tribe? Should a company split up? Will preformance drop? And on the other hand, if the sympathy group consists of two teams, what would be the composition of those groups and what relation would they have to the hunting group?

Any thoughts?