Tuesday 27 July 2021

Team skills for cloud solutions

If you want to go to the cloud, you need to learn how to fly. In order to prevent castles in the air, teams need to have a fair understanding of the risks and capabilities that are needed to successfully move to the cloud. Whether internal or public, any team needs to obtain knowledge to prevent screw-ups. A cloud environment is a hostile environment, without proper knowledge or experience any team moving to the cloud is bound to fail if they don't educate themselves.

The main risks of cloud are complexity and costs. Both can be managed if a team understands them well. Let's start with costs. In the cloud, we are talking container platforms here, billing is done by compute. Compute means usage of system resources. Containers with apps that are switched off don't cost a thing, containers with apps that are running are billed by the second. Traditionally apps ran on (virtual) machines, which were always on. So a monthly bill about the costs of the VM was about it, there was a fair understanding of how much the app would cost upfront. With cloud this is a bit harder to predict. If your app isn't very much used and is always available, the bill might be high. If it is not used and switched off (ready to start when a request to the app is made) the bill might be much lower. And if your app is populair and scales up, thus using more compute, it will costs you a lot more than perhaps anticipated. 

To take advantage of the cloud model, up- and out scaling is important to understand. Breaking your application down into micro or macro services is paramount for a successful scaling model. This model can be used to take advantages of the cloud in shutting down low used services, limiting costs, or scaling up much used services to improve revenue.

A team building and maintaining the app in the cloud needs have some capabilities to support this cloud model. They need to be autonomous, command themselves, be able to take action without approval (or with implicit approval). To facilitate this an agile way of working is required. It doesn't have to be a particulair practice, method or framework. The agile concepts need to be understood and implemented. 

What they need to do next is to automate the development pipeline. Everything from check-in of a change to deployment should be automated. There cannot be any manual steps in this process. This requires rethinking of testing, approval and deployment. Another part of automation is monitoring. The app needs to be monitored, the business process needs to be monitored and the team should monitor its own performance. All these metrics should be easily available in a transparent manner. This enforces interaction and trust with the stakeholders. 

This was all about mitigation, but what if the shit hits the fan and there is a disruption in the service provided by the app? Think of break ins or outages. The first thing is security. This is a discipline that should be practiced by all members of the team. It's just like locking your house or car, or providing a good lock on your bike. A team should understand security risks by applying some form of thread modeling (STRIDE) and they should practice outages on a regular bases. The last one can even be automated by the use of a Simian Army. 

Also think about when there is actually a compromised situation or an outage. No one else is going to be called upon then the team. So they need to organise themselves to be available at all times. 

Moving to a cloud solution might sound easy, but it's much more complicated. Teams need to learn a lot of new practices to be able to safely navigate the complex cloud world. They need to feel responsible, they need to inspect their performance constantly and they need to learn new things each day.

Monday 19 July 2021

How to start a DevOps team

DevOps is about the removal of silos. Breaking down barriers between different parts of the organisation. It is about getting everybody on the same team and be more effective. Teams focus on one product and making sure it works for the customer. It is like moving along a makeline with the complete team to build a car. Everybody has their own specialty at different stations in the process and instructs the team how to operate that station. The whole team works together to pass the quality standards of that station. This ensures the team owns that build, and be proud of it. It ensures sharing of knowledge of that particular station to all team members. 

For (team)leaders it becomes most important to lay out the goals, to work on a strategic level instead of an operational one. They need to work on resolving dependencies. If for instance a supply line to a certain station stagnates (they are running out of bolts for instance) they need to go over to the supply line and find out how to help that line speed up production.

The operational level is covered by the people working on the product, they are skilled and trained to work on those stations. No leader is needed to tell them what to do. The team therefor needs a fair understanding of what they can and cannot do. For the latter one, they also need to know what they need to fix the impediment of not being able to perform a certain task to the level they need to. They need to understand their short comings so a leader can help them overcome that. This often means injection of knowledge. This knowledge can only be obtained from an external source, either a specialist that runs with the team for a while or a training course. For the specialist the most important task is not to fix the knowledge gap, but to inject their knowledge into the team, so they can leave safely after a while.

A typical DevOps team incorporates different disciplines. In software engineering this means that there are at least developers, testers and operators in the team. While they have a certain job, working in a DevOps team also means taking interest in the other disciplines as well. Pairing up to fix stuff is one of the major aspects of an effective DevOps team. Therefore I prefer to call all team members in a DevOps team engineers. It doesn't matter which profession somebody has, if they are not able to switch roles and help the team perform better, there should be no place for them in a DevOps team. DevOps teams are about performance and delivering stuff to customers they need. 

When you want to start with a high performance team, make sure all the disciplines needed to build a product from concept to grave are in the team. Not all disciplines are roles, some people can perform more than one role. But do try to avoid a local hero, one person that can do everything, this can prevent knowledge sharing. As a leader find out how you can best help the team, remove impediments and resolve dependencies. Start with forming a small team (3-5 members) and formulate the goal of the product. Use an agile work method to create small iterations with a lot of room for inspection and improvement. Keep stakeholders close and get them involved. Take small steps and keep things as simple as possible.

A DevOps team is a high performance team that will take responsibility and pride in their work as long as they can be autonomous and are supported by the leaders. Leaders that help them overcome impediments and resolve dependencies. With clear goals, a small team and a supporting leader, DevOps teams will outperform any other team all the time.